A Lot In A Little (April/May Update)
Wow, I can't believe that I've been in Mexico City for a month and a half!! It may be a short amount of time, but I've done and learned so much with an amazing ministry called Corazones en Acción México (Hearts in Action Mexico).

I've written lessons and helped out in their two kids clubs (This is one of them in Valle de Chalco.)

I helped lead with them four kids outreaches for Día del Niño in Hidalgo, Texcoco, Ecatepec, y Aragón (in Hidalgo, we had 250 kids!!)

I've preached in several different teen services (This was with some of the leaders in the youth group in Ojo de Agua.)

I went to Toluca and helped a kids ministry called Amy y Andy with some kids choreography to some of their original songs (click here to see one of the videos I made with them.)

I've been teaching English at a homeschool group every Friday with some pretty awesome kids.

I went to Oaxaca and did a kids program, taught kids church, helped with worship, and climbed a mountain with the same awesome kids (just the teens, though) and teachers of said school.

I went to La Feria Internacional de las Culturas Amigas, which is where 80 countries gather together and share their culture and food, which was amazing.

And I've spent some time with some amazing people.
I've also helped them teach in some kid ministry workshops and have been able to explore Mexico City a bit. All in all, it's been a great learning time: learning more about kids ministry, about different states here in Mexico, and about myself. God has shown me so many things for life in Tijuana after CDMX, and I'm so ready for it. I still have 3 1/2 more weeks here in Mexico City, so the learning isn't over yet. God's getting me ready to bring an explosion of change in Terrazas del Valle (the town where I live in Tijuana) and in all of Tijuana!!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9