Growth/Holy Spirit (May/June 2023 Update)
"It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:7
Seeds have been planted. For a while now. Watering has been done. Many times. And some of the kids have finally prepared the soil of their hearts, with God's help, so that God can truly grow His word in their hearts. And God is doing the growing.
Our Saturday Kids Church has grown from 20-25 average kids to 30-35 average kids! We've also had 3 new teachers join the group, and things have been going so well! We're currently using a new discipleship book to teach the kids, and the kids have been growing even more deeper in the key fundamentals of what it really means to follow Jesus.
Also, the Holy Spirit has been moving so heavy recently. Last weekend, God was giving me word to give to some of the kids, and the presence of His Holy Spirit was so present during worship. Please pray that God does even more growing in the kids' lives and pours out even more of His Holy Spirit on all of us.
Our elementary soccer team won a trophy last month! We had a rough season, but as we continued, we got better and better and won 1st of the Loser's Bracket! It may not be the Champion Trophy, but it's a trophy! They worked really hard for it, and one of the kids who never had scored a goal before ended up scoring 7 goals the last 3 games! I'm so proud of them! Our elementary soccer team now is up to 22 kids!
Many of the kids on the soccer team have now started to come to church on the weekend. Slowly but surely, you can see God starting to grow in their hearts. It may just be ever so slightly, but He's doing it, and that's what matters. Please continue to pray for more growth in these kids' hearts, and also pray for another soccer coach because it's needed!

Kids Discipleship has been going so great. We started a new part of the program called Little Treasures, where the kids have a chance to share with the others what God showed them through His Word that week. It's been really cool to see the kids explain to their friends in their own words what God is telling us in Scripture, and it's been encouraging to see that they get how to do it.
Not only this, but a huge move of God's Spirit has been moving through this group. Two Fridays ago, we did a special service about receiving the Holy Spirit and why it's so important. Leonel, Luna, and Joselyn, three kids from the group, were changed that night. Luna felt a stronger pull of the Holy Spirit on her heart. Joselyn had a spiritual gift woken up in her that she began to move in that night. Leonel received a fresh outpouring of God's presence. And God was giving me a word for almost everyone there, including someone that wasn't even supposed to be there. The Holy Spirit was flowing that night, and I'm believing for Him to move even more. Please believe together with me and pray for these kids. Also keep in prayer Alexander, Alenn, José, and Miguel, that they be filled with God's Holy Spirit, too.
That Friday morning, during my time with God, I was singing a song called "Here Again." The bridge says:
Not for a minute was I forsaken //The Lord is in this place// Come Holy Spirit Dry bones awaken //The Lord is in this place//
I cried out to God, "God, I want these kids to experience You just like I do. Nothing else." I stopped for a second, then said in tears, "God, if I had to choose between having a wife and kids, or for these kids to receive the Holy Spirit, I choose the second. Their souls are more important than my comfort." It was in that moment where I started to feel God's presence in my life so much stronger. I realized that was what had been causing me to feel distant from God and why I wasn't hearing God's voice as strong as I once did. I had said I had given everything to God, but honestly, I was still holding on to the desire to have a family. I was basically telling God, "God, take control of my life, but just let me have this." Being a Christian means following Christ. Following Christ means giving Him complete control. Complete. Not "everything but this." No. He is Lord. He is boss. He's the One who calls the shots, not me. He's in control of my life, not me, including all of my desires. As soon as I gave Him complete control, I felt more connected with Him than ever. God used me so much that day and that whole weekend. And I don't want that to stop.
I also feel more at peace about the possibility of having a family one day. Before, I felt anxious. Now, I have so much patience for it. I don't need to rush things. It will come. God has it in His hands, not me, and I know He knows when is best. Please pray that God fills me even more with His Holy Spirit and uses me even more for His glory. Please pray for His spiritual gifts to move even stronger in me than ever before so that His love is made known even more.
Kids Camp 2023 is coming very soon! We need to raise $5000 by July 31, and we currently have $1536.77! If you can sponsor a kid or multiple kids for camp, you can do so by clicking here. Every amount helps, and all donations are tax-deductible!

"A large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them, 'If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.'" - Luke 14:25-27