Move (Jan/Feb 2023 Update)
Sorry about the tardiness in this update. Since the new year started, things have been busy not only personally, but with the ministry, too. It's been crazy, but in a good way. God's doing the moving, so it's the best kind of crazy, haha.
Things at the education center have been going great! We've had an increase in attendance, along with an increase in the education of the kids. Evaluating where the kids were at the beginning of the year, many of them have improved a lot. For example, some of the kids came in not knowing the alphabet, and now they can say it all by themselves and also are starting to read! This may seem small, but when the kid is 9 years old and hasn't been improving much, this is a huge thing. Refugio de Amor isn't just an education center, but a place where the kids can truly be valued and loved just as Jesus loves and values them. And I know that for Him, these kids are everything. Please keep the staff, the kids, and their parents in your prayers: that God continues to move in all of them in ways unimaginable and continues to make bigger changes in their hearts and minds.
The Secret Agents of Christ club is going strong, too! Two more kids have finished the first level of the discipleship program and are moving on to the next level! Also, the move that God is doing in their hearts and minds is evident, and it's so great to see them grow more and more in God. I'm so proud of you, Luna and Miguel!
The group has also been working on working together. Every week, we play a team-building game, where the kids have to work together to win the game. It's been a struggle, as some kids just do what they want instead of listening to the others in their group, and it's hard on the other kids. I've been teaching them that it's so important that we truly understand what it means to be the body of Christ. It's not a bunch of little bodies doing their own thing. It's one body working together, despite their differences. Some of the kids are still struggling to understand what this means. Please keep Leonel, Alexander, Luna, Alenn, Miguel, José, and Joselyn in your prayers: that God continues to transform them into the sons and daughters of God that He desires for them to be. Also, please keep Johan, Alexis, Mia, Dilan, and Bairon in your prayers that they come back to the group and really desire to try and grow closer to God like once before.
The Kids Praise Team (Niños Locos Para Cristo) recently went out in partnership with Baja Christian Ministries and did a local outreach to many new faces nearby the education center. It was great to get out into the community after not doing so for a while, and it was awesome to bring the kids along to serve alongside everyone else. Since then, we've had several new faces come to Refugio de Amor, and even a few want to know more about Jesus and get discipleship!
Another thing that I would like to mention is a comment that was left on one of our YouTube videos:
A nuestros niños de la iglesia les encantan sus videos. Muchas gracias por compartir su talento. Hacen de la alabanza algo divertido y atractivo para los pequeños. ¡Que Dios les bendiga y siga multiplicando su ministerio!🙏🏾
Our church kids love your videos. Thank you very much for sharing your talent. You guys make praise fun and engaging for the little ones. May God bless you and continue multiplying your ministry!🙏🏾
And this is what it's all about: helping kids see all over Mexico and the world how much fun it truly is to worship Jesus! I remind the kids on the team all the time that we are examples for everyone. They see us. We need to always be sure to leave that great example for everyone to see and that people see the love of Jesus through us always. Please keep the Niños Locos Para Cristo in your prayers, and if you'd like to see the video where this comment was made, click here!
I've been personally really busy with school and other things, so please pray for me. I'm in my last months of Bible Institute, and it's been rough. Many homework assignments that have kept me occupied and have me feeling that I'm not doing as much ministry as I'd like/should (which I feel to be true).
Also, I recently got a job doing voice acting! It has been very exciting, and I know it was a blessing from God. Please pray that this job continues, as it's very low-maintenance and helps out quite a bit.
I also went to Chiapas, another state in Mexico, this February to visit a family that I met and got to know well here in Tijuana. It was an amazing experience, and there is so much potential for ministry opportunities down there. I loved being there, and I hope to visit again this year to do some ministry and outreaches there! Please keep me in your prayers: more than anything for the direction and wisdom of God in all of this. Also please keep the ministry in your prayers, as more and more needs are arising and more support is needed.
Some of the kids, one of the moms, and me out to eat after church
"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed."- Proverbs 16:4 NLT