See Their Worth (July/August 2021 Update)
This summer was probably the most eventful summer we've had in a while, if not the most event summer ever. Through VBS, service projects, and Kids Camp (among other events), God really showed the kids how worth it they really are.

The first week of July, the Kids Praise Team and I were invited to do song at a VBS in Downtown Tijuana!! It was so awesome to be able to bring the kids from the praise team to another place outside of Terrazas to be able to serve! Not only were we able to show the 50 kids that were there how to freely worship Jesus, but the Kids

Praise Team learned how valuable they are to the other kids because it's because of them teaching the motions to the songs and being the example for the other kids that the other kids can learn from them what it truly means to worship Jesus in spirit

and in truth! I'm so proud of all of them and all the work they've done this summer! Please keep the kids from Downtown and the Kids Praise Team in your prayers!

Kids Camp 2021 happened! We took out 30 kids and 20 staff to Parque Morelos for two days of a jam-packed day camp experience! While there, the kids were taught how to become more like Jesus, learning things like loving, forgiving, and serving like Him. One thing I taught the first night was that we can't start to love like Him if we first don't understand how much He truly loves us. At the end of the sermon, 15 kids came forward in response to wanting more of God's love in their lives. Among all the competitions, food, and all-around fun, the kids hearts were truly touched, and I cannot thank all of you enough who donated to camp to make this all possible. Please keep all of these kids and non-kids in your prayers, that God continues to fill their lives with His love every day more!

I went back out with the Kids Discipleship to our amazing friends at Strong Tower Ministries to do a servant project! We did some things for Strong Tower, learning about how awesome it is to serve others and always have that servant heart. I taught them that they can serve and do great things for this world, no matter what their age is. We did a bit of manual labor, but I think the kids understood through all the "tough work" that we need to be more like Jesus, who was the greatest servant of all. Please keep Alexander, Cesar, Hernán, Leonel, Dilan, Natalia, Fernando, Bairon, Johan, Alex, and Joselyn in your prayers, as well as Juan Carlos, Victor, Maritza, Alexis, and Mia who couldn't make the trip, that God continues to grow that servant's heart in them, making them more and more like Jesus.
This next month is going to have some changes to my schedule, as I will be partnering up with an education center with my friends from Baja Christian Ministries to help the kids who aren't enrolled in school or have difficult family lives be able to receive a higher level of education and beat the odds! I also will be opening back up our Kids Discipleship group on Fridays! It will be busy, but I'm trying to be more like Jesus, so I will follow His example...

"...even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve..." - Matthew 20:28a