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Pray for a Move (Jan/Feb 2022 Update)

These past two months, the kids here have been going through a lot. Many of them have been growing a lot in Jesus, but then they start struggling with their relationship with God. A few have stopped showing up. Some of them come every once in a while. Only a few are coming faithfully. Prayer is needed.


Prayers are needed for our Saturday Kids Church. For the past two months, our average attendance went from 25-30 kids to 12-15 kids. Despite the lack of attendance, we haven't stopped preaching God's Word to these kids. We have been talking about the importance of sharing God's Word with others, missions, and about how important it is to control our tongue. The kids that have been attending have been really working on these areas, and I have seen growth in them. They've been asking for me to pray for them so that God would give them boldness to talk about Him and to help them control what they say. At the same time, my heart hurts for the kids who don't come anymore. Please pray for the kids who are there, that God continues to reveal His truths to them, helps them understand, and that the kids desire to apply these truths to their lives. Please also pray for the kids who don't come anymore, that the desire to learn more about Jesus will rise up again in their hearts and that they truly understand that there honestly isn't anything better than Jesus.


Prayers are needed for the Secret Agents of Christ, our discipleship kids. A couple of them have stopped coming, and because of that a couple new kids have joined the program. The plan is to only have 10-12 kids in the program to make it more personal and in-depth, and it really does help having a smaller group of kids for this. With that being said, it hurts to replace kids that don't want to come anymore, but I still pray for God to draw them back.

The ones that have been coming have really had more of a desire for the greater things that God has for them. I've also started to receive more help from a couple of the college-age guys, too, which has been a huge blessing. We've recently been talking about The Holy Spirit and hearing God's voice, and almost all of the kids really want these things. In this, though, the kids have had a hard time understanding and receiving the Holy Spirit and God's voice. One recently told me that she doesn't want to come anymore because she doesn't think that it's helping anything. This hurts me so much because I can only do so much in teaching them and reminding them of the things that we've learned, but if they don't take those things home and keep on taking steps towards God, nothing that they learn will help with anything because they're not doing anything with it. Please pray for these kids, that the Holy Spirit truly fills them up and guides them into all truth and changes them for the better and helps them hear God's voice. Please pray for the ones that are struggling for God to take all the doubts and confusion away and to protect their minds from the evil devices of Satan that cause them to stray away. Please pray for the kids who no longer come for God to draw them back to Him and show them His love like never before.


Prayers are needed for this little boy right here. Leonel has been so desiring more

and more of God recently, and he just barely turned 8. He's had moments where he's felt the presence of God and also broken into tears in times of prayer and worship. With our talks about hearing God's voice, he has been so searching deep into God and wanting so bad to hear God's voice, but he hasn't heard God speak to him yet, and it frustrates him. The day after learning about hearing God's voice, Leonel comes up to me almost in tears asking me, "Daniel, how can I hear God's voice?" I've been talking with him so much about it since then, but he still seems to struggle. And it hurts. It hurts my heart to see a kid want to hear God's voice so incredibly much to the point that he's almost crying, but for him to not hear anything from God. I've been praying about this so much ever since then, and I really just need more prayers for Leonel. God told me that He has set Leonel apart and that he is different than the rest of his family, and I told this to Leonel. Just please be in prayer with me that Leonel can finally hear God's voice clearly and be full of the Holy Spirit and that God continues to transform Leonel into the man of God He desires Leonel to be.


Prayers for me are truly appreciated, as well. I've been doing a lot lately, and it seems like there's never enough time in the day. It feels as if I'm going in slow-motion, yet time is passing by so fast. I'm also doing everything to show these kids who God truly is, His love for them, and everything that God has for them, but it seems like it's not enough. I don't want them to fall away. I don't want to see them in drugs or gangs or having kids in their teenage years anymore. I don't want to go to another funeral of theirs because of bad decisions they made from stepping away from God. Please pray that God gives me supernatural spiritual strength, wisdom, and rest. Please pray that God guides every step I take and every move I make. Please pray that God gives me peace in these difficult situations. Thank you so much for reading this today.

Yerico, Alexander, and me

"And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike." - Ephesians 6:19


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