Great Change (Sep/Oct 2021 Update)
As we have entered into a new school year, some very good changes have happened!

I recently have partnered up with Baja Christian Ministries to help them with their education center! Our job is to help these kids that are behind academically reach their grade-level so that they can begin to feel comfortable at school with their schoolwork, begin to do homework with little to no help, and start to believe in themselves that they can do great things! We also take into much importance their walk with Jesus as we have devotional time throughout the week, as well as their personal well-being through truly building relationships with the kids and being that help and care that many, if not all, of the kids really need. Being able to help these kids grow not only academically but also spiritually four days a week has been so amazing, and I honestly love every minute of it. Please keep Refugio de Amor in your prayers, as this is just the beginning of the plans that God has for us!

A HUGE thank you to everyone at Grace Christian Church for the incredibly generous donations for backpacks for the kids! We were able to purchase 40+ backpacks full of all the school supplies that they need, and we are so incredibly grateful! May God bless you all so incredibly much!
We still have some needs that need to be filled! If you would like to find out what needs we have and how you can help, check out our Send Supplies page here, click on our supplies list for Refugio de Amor here, or feel free to send us an email at for any questions you may have!

Our Saturday Kids Church has been going great! As we've been learning about prayer and worship, we've truly been able to see what great change God is doing in these kids' lives. We have around 25-30 kids coming consistently every Saturday, which has been amazing! Please pray for all of the kids so that God continues to move in their hearts, and please pray for more volunteers to come help us!

God is faithful. He has every single one of these precious kids in His hands. His plans are always perfect, although we may not understand them in the moment. These are things that God has reminded me many times this past month. One of the biggest moments of when He reminded me this was a little over a week ago when I found out one of the kids I wanted to adopt got adopted by another family. It bothered me because I didn't know these people. I didn't know if they were going to help her grow in God's love every day. I didn't know if they were going to see her need of a tutor for school. I didn't know what was going to happen. My heart was torn. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm very happy that she got adopted, but I'm not happy that she got separated from her two uncles that were with her in the children's home (which are Chava and Hector, the two boys I want to adopt, as well) and that I wasn't able to adopt her.
But I know God is good. His plan is perfect. I may not see it, but He has a reason for it all. I just need to rest in Him, knowing that He has Naylea in His hands. After all, she's His, not mine.
Please be praying for Chava, Hector, and me for peace because this is still hard. And please pray for Naylea, that God continues to draw her close to Him and never let her go.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." - 1 Peter 5:7