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One of the things that we like to do with the teens (and sometimes the kids, too!) is take them to the House of Grace, a children's home on the west side of Tijuana. This is great for two reasons: 1) It gives the chance for the kids and teens that come from church to be able to go out into their community and reach out to others in need, and 2) we get to show God's amazing love to some precious kids who are so in need of it.


The kids at the House of Grace come from all sorts of backgrounds: abused, neglected, abandoned, unloved. Some of these kids still have a mom around who loves her kids, but due to the poor economy, most kids have to live here while the mom works during the week. A lot of these kids are hurting and broken. Along with the staff from the House of Grace, we get to minister to these kids, give them a time of fun, and, most important of all, help them get a closer relationship with God.

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