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Bigger and Better (March/April 2019 Update)

As the year goes on, things just keep getting better and better! Not only has there been a growth in quantity in all that we do, but there's been a growth in quality, too!


Kids Church has been growing a whole lot in numbers and in quality, as we had a record of 35 kids come on our last FiestaLoca where we did a movie day for all of the kids! We made the whole upstairs sanctuary look like a movie theater, with assigned seating and tickets and everything! The kids not only enjoyed themselves that day, but keep coming back every weekend to grow closer to God and have fun while doing it!


Niños Locos Para Cristo, our kids praise team, is now stepping it up and taking hip-hop classes! We did a hip-hop dance for our Christmas service last December (which will soon be up on our YouTube channel [click here to see our channel!]), and the whole team loved it. We found an amazing dance academy that not only is teaching us, but the director is Christian and charges us only $1.50 per student per class! This has been a huge blessing, as it not only gives the kids something else to be involved in, but it gives us another way to reach others for God's kingdom!


The last week of March, an amazing group from Oregon came and built an addition onto the two-room home of the Lopez Alvarez family! Having a family of seven, it was a little cramped for all of them in just two rooms. With the new addition, the boys finally have their own bedrooms, and the parents have a little more space to actually have a kitchen and a living room in their house! I've been praying for the past two years for this to happen, reminding the family that God will come through. And He did. I know that this has been a huge testimony to this family about God's love and that He truly is real and hears our prayers. Once again, a HUGE thank you to Grant Avenue Baptist Church for taking your time to come and bring this huge blessing to this amazing family. Also a huge thank you to Amor Ministries for doing all that you do for the people here in Tijuana and for allowing groups like Grant Avenue Baptist Church to come and bless families in this way.

One more thing, Carlos, the father of this family, lost his job last month and is doing everything he can to find a job that fits what his family needs. During all of this, the family has been struggling with basic necessities like food and paying bills. If you would like to help this family during this difficult time, please click here to do so, and thank you so much for your consideration in blessing this family.


We've got a lot of this coming up, like a Kids Crusade, summer camp, and a missoins trip for the kids and the rest of the church to get involved with and bring God's love to Tijuana! Please pray for us for all of these things, as we are expecting for God to move mightily!

Also, if you get the chance, click here to see more prayer requests that you could pray for together with us, and check out the rest of our site!

Jaquelin and I with kids from the children's home, Rayos de Luz y Esperanza

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." - Mark 11:22-24

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Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

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